Страница 8
6138, "+1 Fight, +1 Magic and +1000 HP for every other hero in the army with the Blood of Beowulf skill."
6139, "+10 Mana for every other hero in the army with the Blood of Beowulf skill."
6140, "+1 Fight, +1 Magic, +1000 HP and +10 Mana for every other hero in the army with the Blood of Beowulf skill."
6141, "+%s Christianity to the hero"
6142, "+%s Rightful to the hero"
6143, "Cameliard"
6144, "Escavalon"
6145, "Regia"
6146, "Atrebatia"
6147, "Fengwern"
6148, "Buallt"
6149, "Reputation:"
6150, "Fear:"
6151, "Peacefulness:"
6152, "Active actions:"
6153, "Available actions:"
6154, "Vassal"
6157, "Breaking alliance"
6158, "Asking military help"
6159, "Asking monetary help"
6161, "Vassal"
6164, "Breaking alliance"
6165, "Asking military help"
6166, "Asking monetary help"
6168, "You are going to be a liege of the specified ruler and gives 10% of all of your yearly income to your liege lord."
6171, "The alliance will end between the two kings, with a serious loss of reputation."
6172, "The allied king grants you a certain number of units that will join your army."
6173, "The specified king sends Food and Gold to you, but asking for help lowers your reputation.\nRequirement: Reputation 70"
6178, "Kings without provinces:"
6179, "Warmongering"
6180, "You set the specified king against a third party. Their conflict might even lead to war between them.\nRequirement: Reputation 50"
6181, "Your realm grows rapidly"
6182, "King Bertwald"
6183, "King Gruffud"
6184, "Sir Melodias"
6185, "Sir Unferth"
6186, "Sir Wylford"
6187, "Sir Osric"
6188, "Sir Wuffa"
6189, "Sir Ricbert"
6190, "The Champions of Beowulf"
6191, "The Devoted Champion"
6192, "The Proud Champion"
6193, "The Daring Champion"
Это исправлять не надо, ибо ошибка в самом английском тексте:
6168, "Вы станете сеньором данного правителя, он будеть платить вам 10% всех своих годовых доходов."
Здесь тоже, исходя из практики, подойдет такой перевод:
6172, "Союзный король отправит вам определенное количество отрядов, которые помогут вашей армии."
Вся остальная критика приветствуется.